Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association councillors, supported by RA councillors from other parts of the borough, have requisitioned (called-in) Havering Council’s Excecutive Decision (ED) to extend the current Planned Maintenance and Construction Improvement Schemes Contract by two years from 2022.
The ED stated that ‘….the Contractor has met the expected standards……..During the last 12 months there have been no issues raised with regard to the service delivery or performance……’. However, in our local area, there have been several instances of poor standard of workmanship since the contract started, including replacement yellow lines breaking up after only a few days, the road surface in Pike Lane suffering large cracks soon after it was laid, and replacement speed humps in St. Mary’s Lane being the wrong shape and causing vibration to nearby houses.
The matter will be brought before the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Board at a Special Meeting on 13 May, starting at 7.30pm, where we have submitted 17 questions covering performance, monitoring, time taken for reactive work (such as potholes) and value for money.
For further information on the meeting (which is likely to be available live via a webcast) see the O&S Special Meeting link.